Mercury Free Dentistry
Many patients have concerns regarding the use of mercury fillings. All of our dentists understand that and at Wilsonville Dental Group we offer our patients the option of using advanced new filling materials that are tooth colored and contain no mercury, instead of traditional silver fillings. Additionally, Wilsonville Dental Group scavenges all of our wastewater to ensure these metals removed from teeth are not polluting our waterways.

Bonding Dentistry
Bonding is the state of the art chemistry that has all but replaced the old silver mercury fillings. Bonding allows a composite white filling material to be chemically adhered to the natural tooth. Although bonding is susceptible to the normal wear and tear in a mouth caused by chewing and the temperature changes our mouth experiences, it is a durable method for restoring teeth. Bonding helps restore teeth to their natural shape after removal of tooth decay, return teeth to an ideal shape that have worn unevenly on the side near the gum or on the chewing surface, or to simply change or alter the shape of a tooth to match adjacent teeth. Sometimes, bonding requires no anesthesia! Bonding is our preferred method in most circumstances for restoring teeth that do not require the strength and durability of a crown.

Crowns and Bridges
Dentistry’s modern method to restore broken or worn teeth to their proper contours and prevent cracked teeth from further breakdown! Yesteryear, teeth were simply extracted when they became worn or broken. Now, Wilsonville Dental Group can repair most teeth, avoiding the need for extraction, and preserving the ability to eat without pain, smile with confidence, and keep a tooth healthy. Crowns can also help with your smile, and in as short as two visits to your dentist your teeth can be transformed to be straight, the proper shape and contour and as white as you would like them. Newer materials are now a vailable that allow crowns to be made with life-like translucency. These types of crowns do not have the dark shadow along the gum-line, common with older crowns. No longer do you have to be self-conscious when you smile because of a dark line along your gum that stands out in your photos. Bridges are an excellent manner to replace a tooth that is missing when a dental implant cannot be used to replace the tooth. Using the strength of the neighboring teeth, bridges allow a replacement tooth to fill in gaps Replacing the missing tooth allow you to chew evenly and smile fully! During your comprehensive examination and on continuing care examinations, your dentist will check your teeth carefully and microscopically for fractures developing, for broken or missing teeth that would benefit from protection or replacement. Your dentist will also advise you of the newest and strongest porcelains available to replace crowns or bridges which have become unsightly.

Dentures and Partial Dentures
Whether you wear dentures now, or your teeth have outlived their useful life, Wilsonville Dental Group is prepared to address your needs. We work closely with the best technicians to fabricate teeth which are life-like and fit the jaws in the best possible manner. We are often able to process repairs to dentures the same day. With time, dentures often become loose as the supporting jaw bone changes and remodels. If the teeth on the denture are still intact, the denture often only needs to have material added to fill-in the difference. This simple, usually one-day procedure, makes the dentures fit properly again, restoring confidence and chewing power. Although our vision for our patients is to keep their natural dentition throughout their life, we are prepared to help you with any needs related to dentures.

Dental Implants—the bionic root of the 21st century
Dental implants are a revolutionary, modern, advanced method for replacing a lost or missing tooth. A dental implant is literally a bionic root made of titanium. The implant provides a platform for replacing the missing tooth or an anchor for a denture. They are an AMAZING way to stabilize dentures and preserve the underlying jaw bone for anyone who wears dentures. Dental implants literally restore confidence and ease for smiling, chewing, coughing, kissing or any other function of the mouth compromised by the usual looseness of dentures, partial dentures or missing teeth. After implant placement and once the bone has healed to the implant, a new tooth can be made which closely replicates a natural tooth in color, shape and function or the denture can be connected to the implant. Ask your doctor today for more information about how dental implants might benefit you, a family member or friend.