We Offer General Anesthesia for Procedures!

We Offer General Anesthesia for Procedures!

Does your blood pressure rise when you receive “that call” from your Dentist confirming your next appointment? Does your mind start to come up with every possible excuse to cancel because the fear and anxiety of what that appointment may entail? Colgate reports 15% of Americans avoid going to the dentist because of their “phobia/anxieties,” but many estimate this percentage to be much higher. Whether it is a severe gag relax, fear of needles or a drill, negative experiences in your past, or even medical conditions that can all make dental care challenging, we are here for you. We want to offer a stress-free alternative to help you keep your mouth looking great and feeling great without all the worry.

Here at Serenity dental/Wilsonville Dental Group, we can offer you the ability to be completely asleep through the duration of your dental appointment under the constant care of a fantastic and compassionate board certified anesthesiologist. If you have ever had unsuccessful experiences with “twilight sedation” or “sleep dentistry” in the past, rest assured that the general anesthesia we offer will be more effective and have you resting at ease. Not only will you be in blissful slumber, but our well-trained staff will be able to help you achieve all your dental needs at once, often eliminating the need for multiple appointments. Wouldn’t it be great for your only memory of the procedure to be hearing the words, “We’re all done!”?

Call now to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Terrence Clark or Dr. Thomas Clark and see what Serenity dental can do for you!

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