“I brush twice a day, floss, and visit the dentist regularly, so why do I STILL get cavities?!?”

“I brush twice a day, floss, and visit the dentist regularly, so why do I STILL get cavities?!?”

Have you ever felt like you were doing everything you could and still not able to make it through a dental check up without a cavity? Here’s a couple of possibilities and some suggestions:

  • Snackers and sugary drink sippers, chronic Altoid users, People who suck on lemons – all these tend to lead to increased cavities. Switch to sugar-free alternatives.
  • Dry Mouth issues – have you started a new medication? Many meds and other chronic diseases have the effect of having dry mouth. ?Drink lots of water. Xylitol mints/gums can increase saliva flow. Biotene mouthrinse. Certain meds can be prescribed to increase saliva flow. Alternative medication perhaps if the one you’re taking gives you dry mouth?
  • Anatomical tooth issues – certain tooth shapes are more predisposed to cavities. Exposed root surfaces are more susceptible – consider a gum procedure to cover up the root surfaces. Crowded teeth – more difficult to clean and floss- consider straightening them with invisible retainers (Invisalign orthodontic treatment). They’ll look good and be easier to clean.
  • Genetics – some people have more virulent strains of bacteria in their mouth and are at a great risk of cavities – solution: reduce the bacterial load in your mouth by doing the suggestions below.

Ways to prevent decay if you’re at higher risk:

In addition to the above recommendations, try Prescription toothpaste (Prevident). Fluoride trays can be fabricated and used nightly to prevent decay. Professional fluoride treatments at your dental cleanings. Chlorhexidine one week out of the month (kills off bacteria that cause decay). Xylitol containing mints/gums can’t be metabolized by bacteria and reduces the count in your mouth.

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