Attention all patients considering IV sedation for your next dental procedure

Attention all patients considering IV sedation for your next dental procedure

The Oregon Board of Dentistry has recently amended their recommendations for conscious and general sedation. Starting July 1st, all patients undergoing sedation for a dental procedure must be have an additional monitor in place— an End-tidal CO2 monitor.

The good news for you is that here at Wilsonville Dental Group, we have been using End-tidal CO2 monitors on every case for quite some time.

This is just another great example of how Wilsonville Dental Group remains on the forefront when it comes to paient safety and comfort. Always exceeding your expectations, by staying a step ahead of the game when it comes to patient safety recommendations.

We want you to know that your comfort, your safety, and your health are our number one priority! When you come in for a sedated procedure, you and your family can rest at ease, genuinely confident that you are receiving the very best care. Our team of highly-skilled professionals approach every single case focused on that the needs of that individual patient; with safety and comfort as their very top priorities.

If you are interested in learning more about sedation for dental procedures, give our office a call! We’d love to answer any of your questions.

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