Have you ever noticed red stains on your toothbrush after brushing your teeth? If yes, then this may be a sign of bleeding gums as a result of gum disease! Gum problems are common and our dental team at Wilsonville Dental Group treat all kinds of oral cavity problems including gum infections, periodontitis, and restorative dental treatments.
What is Periodontitis?
Another name for periodontitis is gum disease, which is a serious gum infection that deteriorates the gum tissue and if it is not treated on time it can proceed to the bone that supports the teeth. This bone destruction is known as Periodontitis that can lead to tooth loss. (1)
According to the dentists at Wilsonville Dental Group, Periodontitis is preventable. It usually occurs due to poor overall health, poor oral hygiene, lack of brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups. Visiting the dentist at the Wilsonville Dental Group clinic regularly along with good oral hygiene practices can amplify your chances of prevention of periodontitis or successfully halt periodontitis progression.
How Do You Know Whether you have Periodontal Disease or Not?
There is a fine difference between healthy and unhealthy gums, remember that healthy gums are firm, pale pink and fit perfectly around teeth. Following are some of the signs and symptoms of periodontitis: (2)
- Swollen gums
- Bright red gums
- Tender Gums
- Bleeding gums
- Red stains on the toothbrush after brushing
- Bad breath
- Pus between your teeth and gums
- Loose teeth
- Painful chewing
- A change in bite
When to See a Dentist
You must be wondering if you have any of the above symptoms, when can you visit the dentist at the Wilsonville Dental Group? Always follow your dentist’s recommended schedule for regular check-ups to avoid periodontal diseases. Caring early for your periodontal tissue health will increase your chances of preventing the irreversible destruction from periodontitis.
Our skilled dentists will provide a customized treatment plan for the management of gingivitis and periodontitis. Some of the treatment options suggested by the dentists at the Wilsonville Dental Group clinic are periodontal therapy, periodontal surgeries, deep surgical curettage, gum laser treatment, etc.
Periodontal Surgeries/Periodontal Therapies
Periodontal therapy at Wilsonville Dental Group includes both surgical and non-surgical methods to restore oral tissues and prevent tooth loss. (3) The procedures include:
- Scaling and Root Planning. A technique involving a deep cleaning to smooth tooth surfaces and remove tartar/calculus. The dentist removes the calculus from beneath the gum tissues with the help of hand scalers and/or ultrasonic instruments.
- Gum Grafting. A process that replaces areas of lost gum tissue so that tooth roots are adequately protected. This can be done by taking healthy gum tissue from one area of the mouth and suturing it to where it is needed.
- Periodontal Plastic Surgery. is an esthetic process that refers to reshaping the gum tissues to create a more pleasing appearance of the gums!
- Periodontal Laser Treatment. Is a periodontal process in which the diseased gum tissue is removed with lasers. (4)
Prevention of Periodontal Diseases
There are strategies that you can follow to prevent periodontitis such as:
- Good oral hygiene. That includes brushing and flossing teeth every day regularly. Good oral hygiene prevents the progression of periodontal disease.
- Regular dental visits. Have you been visiting your dental hygienist regularly? If not, then remember to see your dentist or dental hygienist twice a year for cleanings. If you are having a dry mouth or you smoke, then you may need professional cleaning more often. (5)
Our dental team at Wilsonville Dental Group clinic are well-equipped with all the advanced dental technology to provide you with the best treatment for periodontal disease. Come visit our expert dental professionals for healthy gums!
- Van Dyke, T. E., & Dave, S. (2005). Risk factors for periodontitis. Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology, 7(1), 3.
- Baelum, V., & Lopez, R. (2003). Defining and classifying periodontitis: need for a paradigm shift?. European journal of oral sciences, 111(1), 2-6.
- Pradhan, S., Shrestha, R., & Gorkhali, R. S. (2018). Pain Perception after Periodontal Therapies. Journal of Nepalese Society of Periodontology and Oral Implantology, 2(2), 56-60.
- Sobouti, F., Khatami, M., Heydari, M., & Barati, M. (2015). The role of low-level laser in periodontal surgeries. Journal of lasers in medical sciences, 6(2), 45.
- Petersen, P. E., & Ogawa, H. (2005). Strengthening the prevention of periodontal disease: the WHO approach. Journal of periodontology, 76(12), 2187-2193.